Q-Centrix is a performance measurement system provided through MHA Management Services Corporation that helps hospitals collect, report, and anaylize clinical quality data for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Joint Commission for the Hospital Quality Reporting Program.
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The Q-Centrix Inpatient Quality Reporting modules can help hospitals collect and transmit the following data to CMS and the Joint Commission:
- Hospital-based inpatient psychiatric program
- Perinatal care
- Sepsis
- Stroke
- Substance abuse
- Tobacco
- Other measures as implemented by the IQR program
The Q-Centrix Outpatient Quality Reporting modules can help hospitals collect the following data for CMS and the Joint Commission.
- AMI and chest pain
- Outpatient ED throughput, pain management and stroke
- Other measures as implemented by the OQR program
In addition, Q-Centrix provides a data collection tool and a submission report for data entry on QualityNet for the following Web-based structural measures.
- Hospital-based inpatient psychiatric program
- Substance abuse
- Tobacco
- Endoscopy/polyp surveillance (OP-29 and OP-30)
- External beam radiotherapy for bone metastases (OP-33)
- Perinatal care early elective delivery (PC-01)
Q-Centrix is a Web-based data collection tool that is user-friendly, intuitive and efficient. The patient population for core measures is defined by the software for inclusion/exclusion criteria. Q-Centrix has embedded algorithms that decrease the abstraction time necessary for data collection by limiting data entry to the required data elements specific to each case.